Isolation of potent SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies and protection from disease in a small animal model

Isolation of potent SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies and protection from disease in a small animal model

For the past few months, there has been a global spread and toll of COVID-19. So far, humanity has been able to eradicate only one other human infectious disease- smallpox. The novel infectious disease- COVID-19 has had its devastating share of lives globally and currently there is no cure or licensed vaccine. 

Many studies lately have been discussing in-depth about neutralizing antibodies. They represent therapeutic and prophylactic options that could help guide potential vaccine designs. Neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) in terms of another respiratory virus- respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is widely used clinically, usually to protect vulnerable infants prophylactically. Generally, nAbs with good potency also known as super antibodies can supersize antiviral therapeutic efficiency. Along with the help of bioengineering, the nAbs half-life can be prolonged bringing down the cost considerably. 

In this study, the authors try to present potent nAbs to the COVID-19 virus and further demonstrate their efficacy in-vivo using small animal models. The researchers of this paper, isolated and characterized the required monoclonal antibodies from recovering convalescent donors and developed neutralizing assays to investigate the antibody responses. In parallel, the researchers also developed both live attenuated and pseudovirus neutralization assays using HeLa- ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) cell line. The collected convalescent plasma was evaluated against COVID-19 by using 8 donors. The antigen-specific B cells were sorted and corresponding genes were identified and cloned to enable antibody expression and characterization. The promising monoclonal antibodies were progressed for further testing in-vivo using a small animal model. 

The study further isolated the potent neutralizing antibodies to two epitopes- the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and the non RBD- Spike (S) protein. The data showed that the passive transfer of neutralizing antibodies provides distinct protection against the novel- COVID-19 virus as seen in Syrian hamsters. The animal model throughout the infection maintained the same weight and showed low lung abnormalities. Nevertheless, as for any animal model, there were a few limitations, including the difference in receptor cells between the hamster and humans.

The results from the study suggest a focus on the RBD and a string neutralizing antibody responses were seen by immunizing mice with a multivalent RBD. The few weak preponderances of neutralizing antibody to S protein may be due to the result of the study using recombinant S protein. In conclusion, the data from the study potentially open up to the idea of the very rapid generation of neutralizing antibodies to a newly emerged novel virus. The antibodies can open up to the possibilities of finding a clinical application and will aid in vaccine manufacturing or design.

Adapting to survive: How Candida overcomes host-imposed constraints during human colonization

Adapting to survive: How Candida overcomes host-imposed constraints during human colonization

The human body is well known to host a large number of microbes, mostly harmless but when triggered might turn virulent. A large fungal ecosystem resides inside a human body mainly including Candida species, constituting a large part of the human body’s microbial flora. Usually asymptomatic, Candida forms small colonies, but when triggered such as environmental change, can potentially help the microbes to break barriers and cause life-threatening diseases.

Though multiple numbers of antifungal drugs are available, it is recently found that Candida species is capable of building resistance against the drugs by forming biofilms. The article further talks about the environment within the host body paving way to such resistance. 

Within the human host, Candida is capable of changing morphology and functions according to the change in the environment it resides in. Several factors play a role including temperature, ph, and oxygen supply. Candida depending on the environment can take forms such as hyphae, budding, or even pseudohyphae. 

Another crucial role played in a microbial existence within the human host is nutrients availability. It is reported that microbes thrive in the area of high glucose content. When deprived of glucose is when microbes turn to another source of nonfermentable nutrients. Research performed in labs using Candida flora has reported that in the presence of glucose the microbe is known to morph into hyphae and promote antifungal resistance. 

The limitations of micronutrients such as iron magnesium, and copper are known to limit the growth of invading microbes. But this is quite tricky as micronutrients are needed both by the host and microbes in functioning such as biochemical and cellular functions. 

It is very well known that oxygen and ph levels vary within every niche in the human body. While some are alkaline and high on oxygen concentration others are hypoxic and acidic. Candida microbes being versatile they are, can adapt their cell walls according to the change in ph. It is also interesting to note that Candida microbes thrive under hypoxic conditions, inducing their hyphal growth and causing immune evasion. 

The above has described the flexibility of the microbes to overcome multiple constraints faced in the host body. This ability of Candida helps it to form colonies and invade niches around the body. Another strategy imparted by the microbes is biofilm formation against the host body or biomedical devices. Biofilms consist of a 3D community of adherent cells with different biological properties. These cells are embedded in the ECM, which helps in maintaining the overall integrity of the biofilm. The ECM also acts as a protective barrier against any drug invasion. These features play a crucial role in Candida microbes resistance against antifungals and biomedical devices. 

With the emergence of resistant Candida species, the need to develop new antifungals is inevitable. Research using an in vivo model to mimic the host conditions is giving close insights to unravel the mysteries of the microbes. These approaches are paving the way to novel therapeutic vaccines and anti-fungal treatments, enhancing the body’s ability to fight off the infections. 


Difference between a blog and an article- Simplified

Difference between a blog and an article- Simplified

Ever wonder what is the difference between a blog and an article? It’s a topic that makes people wonder. Though they are often used interchangeably, an article and blog post are not the same thing. No matter what, it all starts at one point “great content”. Great content helps you stand apart from the crowd. 

With digitization expanding at a fast pace, everyone is switching coherently towards it, where content reigns king! In the era of digitization, without content, you will not be able to convey your intentions to the audience. That’s where understanding the material required, plays a major role for researchers and scientists. Here’s an in detail look at the difference between a blog and an article. 

Writing style and length:

A most noticeable difference- a blog is a relatively new form of writing, whereas an article has been existing for hundreds of years now. A blog is usually written from a personal perspective, an inside point of view. Based on this it is safe to say, a blog is something more casual and provides a great way for you to personally connect with the audience you are trying to reach. 

It can include interviews and facts, however, it should be based on experience and should include more personality. 

While on the other hand articles usually have a more sophisticated and journalistic tone due to the amount of detailed information involved. The author’s opinion is not encouraged and is mostly kept formal, where an editor is usually involved. 

Blog posts are usually short in nature, consisting of around 500 words but this is not the limit. You can also find blog posts as long as 1000-1500 words. However, it is recommended to post short blogs to keep your audience engaged as people don’t prefer reading long items.  The usage of the first-person language and recent updates makes it easy for the audience to relate to what you are trying to convey. Blogs are meant to be intriguing, capturing but don’t usually contain a lot of intellectual tones usually found in an article. It is meant to be more laid back and even amusing in some cases. On the other hand, an article is crafted by a third person point of view, and is usually long with a minimum of 1000 words. They use more intricate language that discusses the topic more formally. 

The purpose:

The informal nature of a blog makes it relatively easy to write. They serve the purpose of instant satisfaction- an urge to communicate. If the goal of yours is to build a relationship with your target audience, a blog is your friend. It will help you convey a great amount of information without getting into the little details. 

Articles cannot be scanned through with ease like a blog, due to the fact that it is not their sole purpose. A lot of time is invested by the author in carrying out long hours of research and creating content to convey detailed information to make sure it gives the targeted audience a feel of sitting in a classroom. 


A blog post is to keep your audience up to date. It is usually published on a blog page or a website, giving the writer the freedom to edit and update it according to the time. Articles being long, once written cannot be changed again. 

A blog goes through very minimal straight forward, simple editing, while on the other hand articles are edited meticulously making sure to avoid any type of error whether its grammar or facts. Articles are usually published in a journal or magazine, hence editing is very crucial here. 

SEO perspective:

To speak in a more digital point of view, a blog would help you create a more authoritative status and build leads for your business. It will serve an important purpose of building your SEO ranking by strategically including keywords, several links to serve the purpose and keep the visitors on the site for as long as possible.

On the other hand the objective of an article is to provide the necessary topic information in full description and don’t emphasize the keywords required for SEO. Being written in an extended format and published in journals, the use of keywords is not a crucial part of an article.   

The final showdown

So the above are some of the crucial differences between a blog and an article to help writers to target their audience more effectively. Keeping that aside both blogging and article writing are extremely important for any business to create additional awareness for their brand and there is no reason a website can’t contain both. After all CONTENT IS KING! Now that you know the difference, let’s get cracking and get the increased traffic you are looking for!

An in situ-Synthesized Gene Chip for the Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens on Fresh-Cut Cantaloupe and Lettuce

Food-borne pathogens are one of the major reasons behind endangering the life and safety of people across the globe. Fresh foods are specifically more vulnerable to these pathogens, making it crucial to have a very efficient food safety surveillance technology. The development of such technology will help in offering rapid detection of food-borne pathogens. In the present study, researchers developed an In-situ synthesized gene chip for the detection of the food-borne pathogen. Here the researchers first identified and screened the target genes by comparing the sequences of common food-borne pathogens like Salmonella, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Staphylococcus Aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and E.coli 0157:H7 from the NCBI database. Unique tilling array probes were designed that helps to target the selected genes in an optimized hybridization system. The resultant assay showed high specificity along with strong amplification signals. The results were highly accurate with a detection limit of approximately 3 log cfu/g without culturing. The detection time for the five target food-borne pathogens on the fresh-cut cantaloupe and lettuces was found to be 24 hours. This highlights the great efficacy of the detection system to rapidly monitor the pathogens on the fresh food items. Such a system can be easily incorporated as an efficient food surveillance system for checking the logistical distribution chain, the food at the processing stage, cleaning condition at the food manufacturing plants, transport, sales and more. The technology is considered valuable as it supports the safety of fresh agricultural products, reducing the overall wastage of food due to infectious pathogens.

An in situ-Synthesized Gene Chip for the Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens on Fresh-Cut Cantaloupe and Lettuce

Food-borne pathogens are one of the major reasons behind endangering the life and safety of people across the globe. Fresh foods are specifically more vulnerable to these pathogens, making it crucial to have a very efficient food safety surveillance technology. The development of such technology will help in offering rapid detection of food-borne pathogens. In the present study, researchers developed an In-situ synthesized gene chip for the detection of the food-borne pathogen. Here the researchers first identified and screened the target genes by comparing the sequences of common food-borne pathogens like Salmonella, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Staphylococcus Aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and E.coli 0157:H7 from the NCBI database. Unique tilling array probes were designed that helps to target the selected genes in an optimized hybridization system. The resultant assay showed high specificity along with strong amplification signals. The results were highly accurate with a detection limit of approximately 3 log cfu/g without culturing. The detection time for the five target food-borne pathogens on the fresh-cut cantaloupe and lettuces was found to be 24 hours. This highlights the great efficacy of the detection system to rapidly monitor the pathogens on the fresh food items. Such a system can be easily incorporated as an efficient food surveillance system for checking the logistical distribution chain, the food at the processing stage, cleaning condition at the food manufacturing plants, transport, sales and more. The technology is considered valuable as it supports the safety of fresh agricultural products, reducing the overall wastage of food due to infectious pathogens.