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Silent Mutations and RNA folding can give answer, Why COVID-19 became Unstoppable?

Till now, it’s very evident that almost every person must be knowing about the lethal impact of CO...
Artificial Intelligence on its way to help to predict drug resistant bacteria

Researchers of Washington state university have developed a feasible software in their lab which hel...
COVID-19: Ridgeback working on anti-viral tests for patients in the hospital and at home

With efforts underway to find treatments for COVID-19 patients at the hospital, Ridgeback therapeuti...
Good news as researchers find a key to cystic fibrosis detection and treatment

Groundbreaking research by Monash University paves the way to a possibility of better monitoring and...
A quadruple helix DNA discovered in a healthy human cell for the first time

Yes, you heard it right for the first time ever, scientists find quadruple DNA in healthy human cell...
Discovery of ‘on-off’ switch in plant immune defense

Living systems are known to be equipped with self defense mechanisms, and plants are no exception. F...
COVID 19: A battle between heat and humidity Vs Sunshine

Though some experts suggest that heat and humidity can help in slowing down COVID-19, others argue t...
COVID-19: Loss of smell, a new symptom added to the list

New evidence finds that anosmia- loss of smell as a new symptom caused by the COVID-19 virus. Expert...
Breakthrough: 2003 SARS survivor antibody, a potential cure for COVID-19.

With the number of COVID-19 cases surpassing 4.3 million worldwide and counting, scientists are work...
T-cells can play a crucial role in combating COVID-19

The only thing that is keeping researchers across the globe on their toes is the present pandemic si...
Coronavirus can spread through sewage systems, say experts

While the phrase may start to sound cliche, it still rings true! These are truly unparalleled times....
Genetic variation in immune system may impact the severity of COVID-19

Can your genes be the reason for increased susceptibility to COVID-19 infection? For years, scientis...